trade show giveaway ideas
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show giveaways, also known as trade show swag, freebies, samples, handouts, and
traffic builders, are generally sold by promotional products companies and can be a great
method to further
promote, market, and advertise your company and products or service for
shows, conventions, conferences, and other marketing events and gatherings. Tradeshow
give-a-ways can be a great way to pull more traffic to your trade show booth. That
said, trade show giveaways and promotional products can also be a quick and easy
way to waste a lot of money if you choose the wrong giveaway or promotional
item, or if you use them in the wrong way. There are several rules you should
follow when you are evaluating and selecting trade show giveaways and
promotional products, as well as what I think are some good trade show giveaways
ideas, and some bad trade show giveaway ideas that are best avoided [or
suggested to your trade show competitors for their tradeshow swag :) ].
1. First, your tradeshow giveaway should be
useful. Don't pick
something that will be thrown away as people are leaving the convention center,
or left behind in their hotel room trash can as they are packing to go home.
2. Second, it may seem obvious, but your trade show giveaway needs
to have your company name on it. It also need to have your contact information
on it, preferably both a toll free phone number and a website. If possible, your
trade show giveaway item should also include a tag line that says what your
company does, and also if you can, it can look more professional and
eye-catching if you have a company logo that you can imprint on it.
3. Third, your trade show giveaway must make
economic sense. This
means that if you are selling a low price item, you probably can't afford a high
priced giveaway item. It is usually a good idea to have a low-cost (cheap) general
giveaway item such a a custom-imprinted pen that you can offer to all people,
and a more expensive giveaway item such as a custom-imprinted USB memory stick
that you can offer to higher value prospects.
4. Fourth, you want to use your trade show giveaway to draw the
right crowd, which means you want to draw qualified prospects to your booth -
that is, people that you could do business with and sell you product or service
to. Don't offer an ipad to anyone from the general public if your prospects are
only a small percentage of the attendees at the trade show. Make sure you target
your trade show giveaway at actual prospects! This is where it can be great to
have a supply of low cost custom imprinted pens to give to people who you talk
to that you determine are unlikely to ever be prospects or become customers.
Also, see if you can coordinate your trade show giveaway idea with your overall
trade show booth theme (check out these
trade show booth ideas).
As I mentioned above, when it comes to simple yet effective
trade show giveaway ideas, I'm a big advocate of
custom-imprinted pens with your
company name, tag line, phone number, and website on them. They are inexpensive
and can be handed out to everyone that has any interest in your company. They
are also useful, and can be used at the show and later back at the prospects
office. Since they are easy to carry and store, and because they are useful,
they are unlikely to simply be discarded. One point to keep in mind about trade
show giveaway pens is this... don't worry too much about how fancy the pen is or
how you click it to get the pen to write, or if it looks more or less expensive.
The key instead to a good trade show giveaway pen is how many lines of
information you can have imprinted on it. Often the expensive pens will only
have one or two lines, so all you can print is your business name and phone
number, but the "cheap" promotional pens will let you print four lines of
information, so you can have your company name, your phone number, your website,
and your tag line. So the most important thing about selecting a promotional pen
style is not what kind of pen it is (as long as it writes), but how much of your
company information you can print on it!
On the flip-side, when it comes to trade show giveaway ideas I
would avoid, I see a lot of stress balls handed out at trade shows, but I think
they are a bad idea. I see almost as many stress balls end up in the trade show
hall trash cans or hotel trash cans. They may seem like a good idea, but it
seems like they usually get thrown out fairly quickly.
I also see a lot of key chains handed out as promotion
giveaways at tradeshows and conventions, which seem like another not very good idea. How many people have
their keys jangling around lose in their pockets, because they've never gotten
around to getting a key chain? I think very few, and maybe none. If people have
keys, they probably already have key chains. And if you've ever tried removing
keys from a key chain to move them to a different key chain, you know that it's
not very easy, and it's also a good way to break a nail. So what are the odds
that anyone would use a custom keychain if you gave it to them... and what are
the odds that it would end up in the trash can?
An uncommon but good trade show giveaway idea, in my
opinion, it a collapsible beverage coozy (koozie). The old style solid foam
coozies took up too much space, but now one can get foldable koozies that lay
flat. The thing I like about coozie foam beverage holder for giveaways it that
they are useful, and people hold on to them (they really never wear out). I have
several coozies in my kitchen pantry that I have had for years. Another benefit
of the koozie is that they have lots of space for printing your company name,
logo, and contact information, and hence make a great "advertising billboard".
One thing to keep in mind is that if a person has several koozies and is
deciding to throw some out, you want them to keep yours. So in addition to your
company name and contact info, put a funny or clever saying or picture on it as
well, so people will find it interesting (maybe even a "conversation piece" if
you are really lucky) and will want to keep it.
Another time-tested great idea for promotional marketing giveaways, in my
opinion, are custom coffee mugs and custom printed water bottles...
if they are done right. Most people use a coffee mug or water bottle, and both
of them allow a lot of surface area for customizing with your company name and
logo and contact information. The key to making sure people keep your coffee mug
or water bottle is, just like with a custom koozie, you need to also put
something like a picture, drawing, or saying, that if uniquely funny, cute, or
clever. You need to make sure that when people are clearing out their cabinet or
pantry, they will throw out the other mugs and bottles, but will keep your trade
show giveway coffee mug or giveaway water bottle because it is funny, clever, or
A slightly more expensive trade show giveaway idea that I like
is the USB memory stick that I mentioned above. Like the pen, it is easily
stored in ones pocket, and if you hand them out, I would suggest you recommend
to the person to put them in their pocket instead of in their "trade show goodie
bag" where the USB memory stick can get lost with all the other trade show
giveaway stress balls and stuff.
It's a good idea if you can pick a promotional product that is
somewhat unique, though still useful. It's always better if you're not just
another one of the dozens of trade show booths handing out LED keychain
flashlights, for instance.
The RailRoad Spike Bottle Opener... a UNIQUE and
USEFUL Giveaway Idea

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and an
example is better than lots of generic advice. Here's an example of a
unique and useful giveaway that (most) people would keep and use, and
would talk about when the use it. I call it the "railroad spike beer
bottle opener", and I made it myself. Whenever people are over and need to
open a beer I hand it to them. I have yet to have anyone not ask me all
about it. Now image if your company name was on it. A guaranteed
conversation piece. And the idea is absolutely free! Feel free to hand out
all you want. I can't tell you where to get them though, since I made this
one myself by hand in the garage. Even if you don't use this idea, you get
the point. Make sure your tradeshow giveaway is USEFUL and UNIQUE! |
Green trade show giveaways (also recommended as eco-friendly,
earth-friendly, and environmental giveaways) seem to be all the rage these days
and get a lot of reviews. I like the idea of green trade show giveaways, but I
think of "being green" a little differently. Most people think of green as being
made out of "recycled plastic" or "bamboo". I think it doesn't matter so much
what material your tradeshow give away is made out of... what really matters is
what people do with your giveaway. If they end up throwing it out with a few
days, and it ends up in the landfill, does it really matter if it was made from
recycled plastic or if it was 80%
post-production-certified-green-natural-material (whatever the heck that is). As
I said above, if people hold onto your giveaway and use it, and don't just throw
it away, then no matter what it is made out of, it is a GREEN trade show
giveaway! Plus, instead of seeing your company name and marketing message ONCE
(and only if they notice it as they toss your giveaway in the trash), they will
see your company name EVERY TIME THEY USE YOUR GIVEAWAY! So using my idea for a
"green trade show giveaway" is really a win-win. It's a win for the environment
AND a win for you and your marketing success. If you want your promotional
giveaways to be green, then come up with giveaways that are truly useful and
that people will keep.
Are you still not sure what promotional product giveaway item or
idea is the best? Remember that every trade show exhibitor is unique, and the
promos that might work for one company might not work for another. You
definitely want to make sure that your tradeshow give away fits in with your
overall trade show marketing strategy and
goals. It's even better if your giveaway swag is related to your company and
your product, and often the best giveaway idea is also the most obvious but
overlooked giveaway... give out a free sample of your product! Free samples are
a great way to show prospects the benefits your offer, and if it's a sample you
produce it is by definition unique, and trade show attendees can only get it
from you. So don't forget to consider the power of a free or discounted sample. Some companies have bigger
budgets and can spend more per promo giveaway. Other companies are targeting specific
audiences like computer geeks or snowboarders, and the same giveaway may not
work for the different groups. Here are some other random tradeshow giveaway and
promotional products ideas in no particular order: calendars, temporary tattoos,
bumper stickers, refrigerator magnets, travel mugs, decals, antenna balls, lapel
pins, luggage tags, flashlights, wine bottle openers (corkscrews), beer bottle
openers, shot glasses, logo wine glasses, carabiners, baseball caps, t-shirts,
bandanas, flashlights, umbrellas, highlighters, and tins of breath mints. Before
you commit to a particular promotional product or giveaway, make sure it makes
sense for your company and it's also the most effective giveaway you could
Many people will ask me, what are the best giveaways and best
giveaway ideas? Hopefully after reading this article you'll already know what my
answer is going to be. My answer is simple, there are no "best trade show
giveaways". What is the "best trade show giveaway" all depends on your company.
It depends on your budget and what you can afford to spend on each giveaway
(e.g. whether you can afford premium giveaways, "blue collar" giveaways, or
whether you just need a really inexpensive, cheap giveaway idea). It depends on
who your prospects are... whether they are senior citizens or teenagers, or
whether they are wine snobs or sports nuts. You probably should focus on unique
custom trade show giveaways and not generic promotional giveaways, but by
"custom giveaway" I don't mean an expensive, unique, handcrafted, one-of-a-kind
specialized widget... I mean an economical, mass produced, USEFUL giveaway item
that your prospect will hold on to... but that is "customized" with your company
name and corporate logo, and even better, a unique funny or thoughtful tagline
that distinguishes it from the other similar giveaways with other company names
on them. Remember, your goal is not only for your prospect to take your
giveaway... your goal is for your prospect to KEEP your giveaway. So maybe in a
way, the best trade show giveaway is a promotional product with your company
name prominently displayed on it that your prospect will KEEP. And also don't
forget that sometimes the best giveaway in something truly unique to your
company... a free sample of your product. If your samples are fairly expensive,
just make sure you can afford to hand out the samples and that they are going to
qualified prospects.
Finally, allow me to share a brief thought on the ubiquitous bowls of candy
you usually find at most trade shows because somebody told somebody else that it
is a good idea for every trade show
display to have a bowl of candy at it. Avoid the temptation to have a bowl of candy at your trade
show booth. Why? Because if you're human, you'll end up snacking on the candy,
and then as the afternoon wears on you'll experience a post-sugar-energy-crash
(I speak from personal experience). Eat a good breakfast, and a good lunch, and
don't snack on candy or junk food. Also, having a bowl of candy at your
tradeshow booth will draw everyone into your booth... but you don't want to pull
everyone into your booth, you want to pull in qualified prospects! Let the
booths around you supply the trade show masses with m&m's and bite-sized candy
bars... you need to figure out a good, effective trade show giveaway idea, and
then hand out your trade show giveaway to qualified prospects that visit your
exhibit booth.
update: How you "give away" your giveaway matters!
I recently read a really interesting article on the psychology of trade show
giveaways. I wish I had bookmarked it, because now I can't find it. But this is
what I remember it said. It's just as important how you give out your giveaway
as what your giveaway is. What this means is that instead of just handing the
giveaway to any random Joe who walks by, make people "earn" it. Make them do
something to "earn" the giveaway, and then they will value it more. You can have
them fill out a survey or answer some questions, for example (which is also a
great way to collect actionable data). But an even better suggestion would be to
have a contest or competition of some kind. Even if it's a simple as spinning a
prize wheel or filling out a raffle ticket for a chance to win a "prize", having some kind of
trade show contest makes it fun and also makes people feel good when they "win"
something. Even better is if they can win because of their "skill", which is why
miniature putting greens and miniature basketball courts for shooting baskets
are common contest ideas that allow people to "earn" or "win" their free
give-away. Just remember that you want to make sure that you come up with a trade show contest that
fits in with your overall trade show strategy. Your trade show contest should draw
in potential prospects, and not just clog up your trade show booth with a
bunch of people wanting to have fun at your contest but who are blocking the
real prospects from getting to your booth space. So remember that in addition to
thinking about what the best tradeshow giveaway might be for your company, also
think about a clever and/or fun way to hand it out, so that people "earn" the
giveaway and feel good about getting it.
update: Avoid cheap trade show giveaways (that don't work!)
There's nothing wrong with a "cheap trade show giveaway"... as long as it works.
Remember that your giveaway will have your company name on it, and thus it
represents your company and what a potential customer can expect from it. I'm a
big fan of cheap tradeshow giveaways, because you can buy more of them and thus
give them away to more prospects, but if you're buying a cheap giveaway, you
want to pick an item that is essentially bulletproof, and that can be tested to
make sure it will hold up long term. Nothing is worse that handing out swag at a
show, and when your prospect gets home or back at the office and goes to use
your swag, it breaks or doesn't work! That is not the impression you want to
create! For example, a potentially "safe" cheap giveaway would be a metal beer
bottle opener with your company name engraved on it. You can order a few samples
first and confirm the quality of construction and also test it out on a six pack
of beer (which has its own benefits!) and then be reasonably assured that your
cheap beer bottle opener giveaway will work and will also last. In general,
anything primarily made of metal that is for mechanical use is usually a "safe"
cheap giveaway, and you can always test and evaluate several samples. But a
potentially "risky" cheap giveaway is anything electrical. An example and the
inspiration for this update on the risks and rewards of using cheap giveaways
would be a cheap LED keychain flashlight. I speak from experience because I got
a dozen sample LED keychain size flashlights (or LED penlights as they were
called) for under a buck each. Half of them didn't even work when I first tested
them, and most of the rest stopped working after being used only a few times
over about a week. Image the impression I would have made if I'd handed out a
thousand of these cheap LED keychain flashlights at a trade show or convention?
NOT. GOOD. So when it comes to cheap trade show giveaways and cheap promotional
giveaways, you don't necessarily have to avoid them, but just make sure whatever
you decide to get is essentially bulletproof, and won't easily break or stop
Be creative. Think outside the box. And tie it all together. Here's an
It's very important to stand out from all the other trade show booths at a trade
show, which means you need to be unique and creative. You also want prospects to
remember you, which is why you want to give them something to remember you by.
Here's a unique and creative idea for a trade show giveaway / trade show contest
/ trade show strategy all rolled into one. I came up with it in the shower,
which is where I get most of my ideas, though few make it from the shower onto
this website. Anyway, lets say that your going to be exhibiting at Las Vegas
(although this idea would work anywhere, because everybody knows about
gambling). My idea for a cool trade show giveaway is a custom poker chip. On one
side, you print something like, "Don't Gamble when it comes to Toilet Plungers."
And on the other you print something like "Learn more at http://www .
AceToiletPlungers . com/dont-gamble.html - Ace Toilet Plunger. Quality Plungers
Since 1929." I'm not sure if you could get all that on a poker chip, but you get
the idea. Next you need an idea for a trade show contest like I mentioned above.
For the contest to stick with the gambling theme, I'd set up a small long
felt-lined open box where a person can roll a pair of dice. The rules would be
simple. If they roll snake eyes, they get the big prize, like a $5 gift card for
Starbucks, plus a poker chip. If they roll anything else, they get the poker
chip. Thus, everyone that rolls, gets your poker chip, and you tell them when
they get back to the office that they need to go to the web address on it for
more information and to enter a drawing for a bigger prize. Tell them the
drawing won't be open to enter until AFTER the trade show is over, so they can't
enter until the following week (and thus they can't go there right away, and
they need to keep the chip), and they need to enter the code on the chip to be
eligible (ok, now you've got to fit a secret code on the poker chip too!). As
you can see, you've got a cool trade show giveaway idea (the custom poker chip),
a cool trade show contest (trying to roll a pair of snake eyes with dice), and
they both synergize together to bring prospects to your website after the show,
and there's a theme (gambling, which is popular, and the message that you're not
gambling when you go with ACE Toilet Plungers because we make the best quality
reliable toilet plungers on the market). A benefit of the trade show contest I'm
suggesting (rolling dice) is that is it quick and takes up very little space,
although you may want to hire an extra booth staffer to run the contest so it
doesn't take away from your sales people. Whether you go with the custom poker
chip idea or not, as you can see, the key here is to be creative, be unique, and
make sure it all ties together into a coherent and effect
trade show strategy!
* * * * *
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be updating our Trade Show Giveaways
Ideas & Tips page on a regular basis as we strive to determine the top
trade show giveaways and well as the best, most popular trade show giveaways
too. Come on back and visit us again soon!
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